Parents are often in the best position to notice a shift in a child’s eating habits or mindset regarding food, body image, body movement and/or athletics.  The earlier these things are evaluated and treated, the earlier intervention or treatment can begin, and the greater chance of sustainable outcomes.

Children are subjected to significant cultural pressures about body size and food choices.  Often what seems to be common sense parenting advice about food, nutrition and body issues can in fact be inadvertently harmful.  If you have such concerns, the following provides helpful guidelines about what to and not to say to or around your child.

VIDEO: The Problem With Poodle Science –
PODCAST: Raising Intuitive Eaters from May 8, 2017 in Podcasts –
BOOK: Ellyn Satter “Child of Mine” –

Please also call us for a free 15-minute consultation to walk through your concerns and determine if treatment could be helpful.