Might Your College Student Have an Eating Disorder? How to Tell, What to Do
Might Your College Student Have an Eating Disorder? How to Tell, What to Do | HuffPost Life If you're feeling uneasy and concerned that your college-age daughter or son might [...]
Binge Eating: How the Health at Every Size Approach Can Transform Treatment
Binge Eating: How the Health at Every Size Approach Can Transform Treatment - Binge Eating: How the Health at Every Size Approach Can Transform Treatment - Eating Disorders Catalogue (edcatalogue.com) [...]
The Problem with Poodle Science
The Problem with Poodle Science (An animated video exposing the limitations of current research on weight and health). Watch on YouTube
Binge Eating: Jennie Kramer Interview on Psych Up Live
On the Psych Up Live show, host Suzanne Phillips interviews Jennie Kramer about binge eating.
Are Eating Disorders a Choice?
In this eating disorder support webinar, Join OPG’s Senior Clinical Advisor, Jennie Kramer, MSW, LCSW-R, and Director of Intake, Natalie Cohen, for an important discussion debunking [...]
Making it “Stick”: Sustainable Eating Disorder Recovery
While eating disorder treatment continuums have traditionally been thought to span from inpatient to outpatient levels of care, what is often overlooked is the ‘view from the ground.’ [...]

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Control binge eating and get on the path to recovery. This book provides trusted information, resources, tools, and activities to help you and your loved ones understand your binge eating — and gain control over it.
Certified Eating Disorder Specialist designation by the International Academy of Eating Disorder Professionals